Get Rid of Skin Tags Fast & Effectively

skintag removal

Common in both men and women, Skin Tags are painless growths on the skin that are connected through a thin, small stalk known as a peduncle. They can appear anywhere on the human body though they can usually be noticed in places where the skin folds such as the groin, thighs, neck, eyelids, and armpits. The best thing is that you can get rid of skin tags by choosing a value-for-money product like TagBand skin tag remover device that allows you to effortlessly remove skin tags.

What are skin tags?

Skin tags are made of a series of components including collagen fibres, fat, and sometimes small blood vessels and nerve cells. Also referred to as fibroepithelial polyps and soft fibromas, skin tags start as often flesh-coloured and small bumps that typically stay that size. Skin tags go largely unnoticed and enlarge while continuing to be painless.

What causes skin tags?

It is still unclear exactly what causes skin tags though it is believed that friction may play a role in skin tags as they generally show up in skin folds. According to a study, the human papillomavirus (HPV) may be a reason behind the development of skin tags. Resistance to insulin that may be a reason behind prediabetes and type 2 diabetes may play a role in the development of skin tags. A study in the past revealed that the presence of multiple skin tags on the human body was linked to a high body mass index, insulin resistance, and high triglycerides.

This health condition may also be a result of pregnancy, an endocrine problem, or a hormonal imbalance.

Removal of skin tags

You may think about removing skin tags for cosmetic reasons, especially when they are on visible areas like the face. For this, you may consider options such as:

Skin tag removal creams

Kits including skin tag removal cream and an applicator are usually available on the internet. These kits include the instructions to clean the skin using an alcohol wipe. Thereafter, the tag can be filled down before the skin tag removal cream can be applied to make it sure that it gets fully absorbed.

Freezing kits

Available in pharmacies and drugstores, freezing kits that include liquid nitrogen may be a choice for freezing off skin tags. However, you may be required to apply the kits numerous times before the skin tags fall away.

Tea tree oil

An essential oil, tea tree oil is used for treating a series of skin conditions such as skin tags. Typically, people apply a few drops of the tea tree oil to a ball of cotton that is then affixed to the skin tags through a bandage. The cotton ball is then left on the skin tags for about 10-15 minutes thrice a day. However, skin tags may take about 20-30 days or even more in some cases before they fall away.


According to anecdotal evidence, an individual may use liquid iodine for removing skin tags. For this, they first need to guard the surrounding skin by applying coconut oil or petroleum jelly to the area. Once this has been done, they can soak a Q-tip in iodine and then spread the liquid across the skin tags. Later, the area can be covered with a bandage until the iodine has dried. This treatment can be repeated twice a day until the tag drops off.

Skin tag removal device

A skin tag remover like the TagBand skin tag removal kit may be used to cut off the blood supply to the tag’s base. The cells will die without a supply of blood and the tag will fall away on its own almost immediately. However, it is important to note that skin tag removers are not recommended when the skin tags are very long or large and are located around the eyes or around the genitals and causing bleeding, itching, or severe pain. In such cases, individuals are usually recommended to seek medical intervention at the earliest.

A skincare specialist may recommend one of the following skin tag removal methods:

  • Ligation: A surgical thread is used to reduce the flow of blood.
  • Cryotherapy: Liquid nitrogen is applied to freeze off the skin tags. Generally, one or two treatments are considered sufficient for skin tag removal using this medical procedure.
  • Excision: A blade is used by a skin specialist or surgeon to cut off the skin tags.
  • Cauterisation: Most skin tags drop away after one or two sessions of cauterisation wherein the skin specialist or surgeon will burn off the skin tags.

Word of Caution

In rare cases, what may appear like a skin tag may actually be a different form of skin growth or cancerous growth. If you experience a fleshy growth that has characteristics that are not usually associated with skin tags like sudden changes in size, colour, or appearance, or if there is severe pain or bleeding, you must immediately ask your skin care specialist to take a look.


About the Author

Harvey Lee is a health and beauty blogger and works with various industry leading health and beauty product brands e.g. Tagband: UK’s leading brand for skin tag removal devices. He has an interest in building the knowledge and self – confidence of people who really want to improve their lives by following proper health guides and staying fit for life.


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